UFT Class 34

UFT Class 34

(Object Identification Configuration)

Test design in UFT:

Object Repository based Test Design
Descriptive Programming

> Object Identification Configuration feature is related to
Object Repository based Test Design only.

> What is Object Identification Configuration?

Configuring important properties information for Objects to recognize them uniquely.

> Why Object Identification Configuration?

Generally 20 to 20 properties available for every software object, using that complete information recognizing objects is time taking process.
Some objects properties values may change dynamically.


Environment: Standard Windows

Object is: Window

Property: window id

Property value:

1st time: 132303

2nd time: 1573653

> When Object Identification Configuration is required?

Scenario 1:
We are using Descriptive programming for Test design-Not required.

Scenario 2:
(UFT has default configuration for every environment, that default configuration based on UI design standards.)

We are using Object Repository based Test design and development followed UI design standards- Not required.

Scenario 3:
We are using Object Repository based Test design and development Not followed UI design standards- Required.
How to know if the Development team is following UI design standards or not?
By Record and Playback.
Object Identification Configuration is:

Environment Level:
Ex: Standard Windows

Test Object Class Level
Ex: WinButton

Ex: If we configure Button object in Standard windows environment that configuration is applicable for all Buttons in our standard windows application.

Object Identification in UFT

Object Identification:

Normal Identification
a) Mandatory properties
native class

b) Assistive properties

Smart Identification (Optional)
a) Base filter properties
b) Optional filter properties

Ordinal Identifier(Index)
Index (0, 1, 2, 3….)
Location (0, 1, 2, 3….)
CreationTime (Only for Browser)

i) Normal Identification process:

During learning (Recording is learning or Add objects is learning) UFT
1st reads all mandatory properties at a time and thinks weather that information is sufficient or not to recognize the object uniquely, if it feels sufficient stops learning and stores that information, otherwise it goes to Assistive properties and learn properties one by one, if it feels sufficient, then stops learning and stores that information(Mandatory + Assistive).

After learning all Mandatory and Assistive properties still it feels not sufficient, finally it goes to Ordinal identifier.

Either index or Location is unique for this version, no guaranty for next versions.
Environment: Standard windows
Test object Classes
WinButton: Smart Identification
100 buttons

60 buttons -Mandatory properties
30 buttons -Mandatory + Assistive properties
8 buttons – Smart Identification properties
2 Ordinal Identifier

ii) Smart Identification process: (Normal + Smart Identification)

During learning (Recording is learning or Add objects is learning) UFT
1st reads all mandatory properties at a time and thinks weather that information is sufficient or not to recognize the object uniquely, if it feels sufficient stops learning and stores that information, otherwise it goes to Assistive properties and learn properties one by one, if it feels sufficient stops learning and stores that information(Mandatory + Assistive).

After learning all Mandatory and Assistive properties still it feels not sufficient, then It goes to Base filter properties and learns all Base filter properties at a time and thinks that info is sufficient or not? Otherwise it goes to Optional filter properties and learns properties one by one.

After learning all Mandatory, Assistive, Base filter, and Optional filter properties still it feels not sufficient, finally it goes to Ordinal identifier.
Normal Identification:
Mandatory Properties
Assistive Properties
Ordinal Identifier
Smart Identification
Mandatory Properties
Assistive Properties
Base filter Properties
Optional filter Properties
Ordinal Identifier

Come back to default configuration:

Reset Test object – It resets selected Test object class only.

Reset Environment – It resets selected Environment only.

Reset All – It resets all loaded environments.
> Configuring Single object

> Maintain different configurations for same environment.

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