Introduction to Automated Testing


Introduction to Automated Testing

Software Testing can be done in 2 ways,

1) Manual Testing
2) Automated Testing or Test Automation

Note: Now a days Software not only for Computers, and also for Mobile devices.

Advantages of Test Automation

1) Fast: Test Tool is faster in Test Execution than Human Users
2) Reliable: Test Tools are reliable than human users
3) Repeatable: We can repeat our Tests with multiple inputs of Test Data.
4) Reusable: We can reuse our Tests and Components on different versions of Software
5) Programmable: We can insert programmatic statements in our Tests
6) Comprehensive: We can create Test Batches and Test Tool can execute Test Batches without user interaction.

Types of Automated Testing:

1) Functional Test Automation
2) Performance Test Automation
3) Test Management etc…

1) Functional Test Automation:

Automating Software Application Functionality Test Scenarios using any supported Software Test Tool,
like UFT/QTP, Selenium, RFT, SilkTest etc…

Note: Functional Testing is a Test Type in which User Interface Testing, Database Testing, Order of Functionalities are Tested. We can the Application Functionality Manually or using Test Tool, but 100% Test Automation is not possible, and we try to automate maximum scenarios.

2) Performance Test Automation:

Automating Software Application Load, Stress, Spike, Data Volume etc.. Test Scenarios using Software Test Tool like LoadRunner, RPT, Silk Performer, JMeter etc…

Note: Load Testing, Stress Testing, Spike Testing etc… are subsets of Performance Testing, and Test Automation is only possible for Performance Testing, Manual Testing is impractical.

3) Test Management

Test Management is an activity of managing the computer software testing process.
(Requirements management, Test Management (Manual & Automated), and Defect management)
ALM / QC, Jira, QAComplete…)

Note: We can conduct Test Management activities manually or using software Test Tool.

Types of Software Test Tools:

Basically we have 2 types of Test Tools in the Information Technology Industry,

1) Commercial Tools (Ex: UFT / QTP)
2) Open Source Tools (Ex: Selenium)

Also Watch:

1) Selenium Step by Step Videos

2) UFT / QTP Step by Step Videos

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