Software Testing versus Manual Testing

Software Testing versus Manual Testing

Software development can be done using various Software, ex: Java, .NET etc…
but Software Testing is common irrespective of Software development technology,

Software Testing and Manual Testing, r they same or different so many people
feeling is these are same, no, these are not same,

Manual Testing is the core of Software Testing, after understanding the Manual
Testing Process only we can automate Software Test process,

Software Testing can be done in 2 ways,

1) Manual Testing
2) Automated Testing

Software Testing:

Testing Computer and / Or Mobile Software with respect to Software Requirements.

Manual Testing:
Testing Computer and / Or Mobile Software manually without using any Test Tool or Test Script.

Automated Testing or Test Automation:
Testing Computer and Or Mobile Software using any Test Tool or Test Script.

Note: Some Types of Software Testing is not possible in Manual Testing, ex: performance Testing, and Some Types of Testing is Not Possible using Test Tools/Automated, Testing Ex: usability Testing…

Software Testing is basically 2 types, but another types also there,

Two Important Types of Software Testing,

1) Functional Testing
2) Non Functional Testing

We can conduct Functional Testing of the Software Manually or using Test Tools (Automated Testing or Test Automation),

Functional Testing is mandatory for every Software Application, but Non Functional Testing may may be optional, required for some Software Applications, but nowadays both Functional and Non Functional Testing are important to improve the Quality of Software.

Popular Functional Test Tools:

1) HP – UFT (Formerly QTP)
2) Selenium
3) IBM – RFT
4) Micro Focus – SilkTest
5) TestComplete
6) TestPartner etc…

Popular Performance Test Tools:

1) HP – LoadRunner
2) IBM – RPT
3) JMeter
4) Micro Focus – Silk Performer etc…

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