Java Fundamentals Online Test

Java Programming Fundamentals

Java Programming Fundamentals for Beginners

Java Online Practice Test on Java Language Fundamentals like Java Data Types, Java Variables, Operators, Java Control Flow, and Java OOPS.

Introduction to Java Programming. Java Language Elements, Java Modifiers, Data Types, Variables, Operators, Conditional Statements, Loop Statements, IO Operations, Methods, and Exception Handling.

Java Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction and Encapsulation.

Write Comments in Java Programs for readable explanation, and to disable  the code from the Program execution.

Declare Data Types Explicitly in order to specify the type of data that you use in your program

Declare Variable explicitly in order to store the temporary data in your program

Use Operators for conducting Arithmetical, Comparison and Logical Operations

Use Java Control Flow – Conditional Statements for writing positive & negative, Single Condition, Compound condition, and nested conditions.

Use Java IO Operations for reading the input using mouse & keyboard, Files, and writing the output on the Console and Files.

Use Java Pre-defined methods to conduct operations on Strings, Numbers, Arrays and Characters.

Use Java User-defined methods for reusing your code, and use Java Exception handling concepts to handle Java Run-time errors.

Practice this Java Fundamentals Online Test, Check your Java Knowledge and try to enhance your Java Skills.

Java Fundamentals Online Test

1. Java is mainly used for System Programming.

a) True

b) False

2. Java is a pure Object Oriented Programming Language

a) True

b) False

3. Java is a Platform Independent Language

a) True

b) False

4. Java is not a Case Sensitive Language

a) True

b) False

5. The ‘main’ Method is optional for Java Programs

a) True

b) False

6. Java supports Implicit declaration of Data Types

a) True

b) False

7. Java Supports Explicit declaration of Variables

a) True

b) False

8. /it is a sample program – is a comment syntax in Java

a) True

b) False

9. final – is an Access Modifier in Java

a) True

b) False

10. static variables are also called local variables in Java

a) True

b) False

11. Array is a Dynamic Data Structure in Java

a) True

b) False

12. Java SE is mainly used to develop Mobile Applications

a) True

b) False

13. Java supports handling of Excel Files

a) True

b) False

14. User can’t create Objects in Java Programming

a) True

b) False

15. The modulus operator (%) in Java can be used only with variables of integer type

a) True

b) False

16. Comparison Operators are having high priority in Java

a) True

b) False

17. else part is mandatory for if condition blocks in Java

a) True

b) False

18. Variables declared inside a for loop are limited in scope to the loop

a) True

b) False

19. Multiple inheritances is supported in Java through class

a) True

b) False

20. We can write condition and loop blocks in Java Methods

a) True

b) False

21. We can’t declare Variables in Java code blocks

a) True

b) False

22. Using “System.out.println()” we display the Output for Java Programs

a) True

b) False

23. ‘import’ keyword is used for predefined libraries only in Java Programs

a) True

b) False

24. Exception handling is for handling Program Syntax Errors

a) True

b) False

25. We call Java Non-static methods using an Object in Java

a) True

b) False

26. We Declare/write methods outside of the main method in Java programs

a) True

b) False

27. Loop Statements are used for code repetition in Java Programs

a) True

b) False

28. We can’t reuse Java Class members using  Inheritance

a) True

b) False

29. The primary purpose of Java is not for Automating Software Applications

a) True

b) False

30. The Java EE platform (Advanced Java) is built on top of the Java SE platform (Core Java).

a) True

b) False

Java Fundamentals Online Test can check your knowledge in Java Programming and particularly in Java Standard Edition or Core Java.

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