Advantages of Test Automation

Benefits of Automated Testing.

Advantages of Test Automation, Drawbacks of Test Automation, Fast, Test Reusability, Reliability, Programable, and Comprehensive Testing. Test Automation or Automated Testing is a process of Testing Computer Software or Mobile Software using any Software Tool (Test Tool). We have several Test Tools in the IT Industry, They are, 1. Selenium, UFT (formerly QTP), RFT, SilkTest, … Read more

Automating a Manual Test Case

Automating a Manual Test Case using Selenium 1) Create a Manual Test Case 2) Automate the Manual Test Case using Selenium 3) Exception Handling for Selenium Test Case —————————— 1) Create a Manual Test Case I am taking a Manual Test Case, that is Generic Test Case, “Verify Gmail Link existence in Google Home Page” … Read more