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Java Modifiers

Java Modifiers

Java Modifiers

Modifiers are keywords that we add to those definitions to change their meanings.
There are Two types of modifiers in Java.
a) Access Modifiers

b) Non-access Modifiers
a) Access Modifiers
There are 4 types of modifiers in Java.
we use access modifiers to define access control for classes, methods and variables etc…

1) private

2) default

3) protected

4) public
1) private:
The private access modifier is accessible only within class.


class A {

private int a = 40;
2) default
If we don’t use any modifier, it is treated as default by default. this can be accessible only within package.


package abc;

class Sample {

int a;
3) protected
The protected access modifier is accessible within package, and out side of the package but through Inheritance only.

4) public
public access modifier is accessible everywhere. It has widest scope among all other modifiers.


public Class A{

public static void main (String [] args) {

ModifierWithin classWithin PackageOutside of the Package (by sub classes)Outside of the Package

b) Non-access Modifiers
Java provides no of non access modifiers to achieve many other functionality.

Static modifier to create class, methods and variables.


class Abc {

static String name =”Selenium”
final modifier for finalizing the implementation of classes, methods and variables.
class Sample {

final int a =100;
abstract modifier is to create abstract classes and methods.

public abstract Sample {

Also Read:

Java for Selenium (Roadmap)

Java Introduction

Java Environment Setup

Java Program Structure

Java Data Types

Java Variables

Java Operators 

Java Conditional Statements 

Java Loop Statements 

Java Arrays 

Java Methods


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