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UFT Class 24

UFT Tutorial 24: VBScript Operators and Conditional Statements

UFT Class 24

I) VBScript Operators

a) Arithmetic Operators:

Arithmetic Operators return value based result.
1) Exponentiation ^

2) Multiplication *

3) Division /

4) Integer Division \

5) Modules mod

6) Addition

7) Subtraction

8) Concatenation
Dim a, b, c
a = 10
b = 3

c = a ^ b
Msgbox c ‘1000

c = a * b
Msgbox c ’30

c = a / b
Msgbox c ‘3.33333333

c = a \ b
Msgbox c ‘3

c = a mod b
Msgbox c ‘1

c = a + b
Msgbox c ’13

c = a – b
Msgbox c ‘7

c = a & b
Msgbox c ‘103

+ Operator

Dim a, b, c
a = 10
b = 3

c = a + b
Msgbox c ’13

a = “10”
b = 3

c = a + b
Msgbox c ’13

a = “10”
b = “3”

c = a + b
Msgbox c ‘103

a = “Hyderabad”
b = “123”

c = a + b
Msgbox c ‘Hyderabad123

a = “Hyderabad”
b = “ABC”

c = a + b
Msgbox c ‘HyderabadABC

a = “Hyderabad”
b = 123

c = a + b
Msgbox c ‘Error

& operator

Dim a, b, c
a = 10
b = 3

c = a & b
Msgbox c ‘103

a = “10”
b = 3

c = a & b
Msgbox c ‘103

a = “10”
b = “3”

c = a & b
Msgbox c ‘103

a = “Hyderabad”
b = “123”

c = a & b
Msgbox c ‘Hyderabad123

a = “Hyderabad”
b = “ABC”

c = a & b
Msgbox c ‘HyderabadABC

a = “Hyderabad”
b = 123

c = a & b
Msgbox c ‘Hyderabad123

b) Comparison Operators (All are equal)

Comparison Operators return Boolean /logical (True or false) result.

1) =

2) <>

3) >

4) >=

5) <

6) <=

Dim a, b, c
a =10
b =20

c = a = b
Msgbox c ‘False

c = a > b
Msgbox c ‘False

c = a >= b
Msgbox c ‘False

c = a <> b
Msgbox c ‘True

c = a < b
Msgbox c ‘True

c = a <= b
Msgbox c ‘True

VBScript Operators in UFT

c) Logical Operators

1) Not (Logical Negation)

If Not Dialog(“Login”).Exist(3) Then
SystemUtil.Run “C:\Program Files\HP\Unified Functional Testing\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe”
End If
Dialog(“Login”).WinEdit(“Agent Name:”).Set “asdf”
Dialog(“Login”).WinEdit(“Password:”).SetSecure “550787eda3b6ae2fc461b592b3778ebdc819e846”

2) And (Logical conjunction)


Dim a, b, c
a = 100
b= 50
c =70

If a > b And a > c Then
Msgbox “A is a Big Number”
Msgbox “A is Not a Big Number”
End If
Result Criteria for And Operator:
Exp1 Exp2 Result
True True True
True False False
False True False
False False False

3) Or (Logical Disjunction)

Result Criteria for Or Operator:
Exp1 Exp2 Result
True True True
True False True
False True True
False False False

4) Xor (Logical exclusion)

Result Criteria for Xor Operator:
Exp1 Exp2 Result
True True False
True False True
False True True
False False False
VBScript Flow Control Statements
Conditional Statements
Loop Statements

II) VBScript Conditional Statements

> There are two types of Statements in VBScript

1) If statement

2) Select Case Statement

> Usage of conditional statements in UFT

1) To insert verification points

2) For Error handling

> Types of Conditions

1) Single Condition (Positive / Negative Conditions)


If a = b Then -Positive condition

If Not (a = b) Then -Negative condition
If a <> b Then
2) Compound Condition (Positive / Negative Conditions)

If a > b And a > c Then

3) Nested Condition (Positive / Negative Conditions)

If a > b Then
If a > c Then
If a > d Then
> Usage of Conditional statements

1) Execute a Statement when condition is True/ Simple if


If Condition Then Statement

Example 1:
Dim myDate
myDate = #10/10/2014#

If myDate < Date Then myDate = Date
Msgbox myDate

Example 2:
Dim myDate
myDate = #10/10/2016#

If myDate < Date Then myDate = Date
Msgbox myDate

2) Execute a block of statements when condition is True.


If Condition Then
End If

Dim a, b
a =100
b = 50

If a > b Then
Msgbox “A is a Big Number”
End If

3) Execute a block of statements when condition is True, otherwise execute another block of statements.


If Condition Then
End If

Dim a, b
a =100
b = 50

If a > b Then
Msgbox “A is a Big Number”
Msgbox “B is a Big Number”
End If
Example 2:
Dim a, b
a = InputBox(“Enter A Value”)
b = InputBox(“Enter B Value”)

If Cint (a) > Cint (b) Then
Msgbox “A is a Big Number”
Msgbox “B is a Big Number”
End If
Example 3:
Dim a, b
a = InputBox(“Enter A Value”)
b = InputBox(“Enter B Value”)

If IsNumeric(a) = True And IsNumeric(b) = True Then
If Cint (a) > Cint (b) Then
Msgbox “A is a Big Number”
Msgbox “B is a Big Number”
End If
Msgbox “Invalid Input”
End If
4) Decide among several alternates (Elseif Structure)

5) Execute a block of statements when more than one condition is True (Nested if)

6) Decide among several alternates (Using select case structure)

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