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VBScript Built in Functions

VBScript Built in Functions

VBScript Built in Functions

1) Asc Function

It returns ANSI character code for first letter of a string or number.

‘A to z (65 to 90)

‘a to z (97 to 122)

‘0 to 9 (48 to 57)


Dim a
a =”ABCD”
Msgbox Asc(a) ’65

Msgbox Asc(“A”) ’65
Msgbox Asc(“Z”) ’90
Msgbox Asc(“a”) ’97
Msgbox Asc(“z”) ‘122
Msgbox Asc(1) ’49
Msgbox Asc(“*”) ’42

2) Chr Function

Returns Character value for ANSI character code.


Msgbox Chr(65) ‘A
Msgbox Chr(90) ‘Z
Msgbox Chr(97) ‘a
Msgbox Chr(122) ‘z
Msgbox Chr(48) ‘0
Msgbox Chr(42) ‘*

3) Abs Function

It returns absolute value for numbers


Msgbox Abs(100.45)’100.45
Msgbox Abs(100.85)’100.85
Msgbox Abs(-100.85)’100.85

4) Round Function

It rounds the value to nearest integer.


Msgbox Round(100.45)’100
Msgbox Round(100.85)’101
Msgbox Round(-100.85)’-101

5) Array Function

It assigns series values at a time to a Variable.


Dim a
Msgbox IsArray(a) ‘False
a = Array(10, 20, 30, 40, 1.234, “abcd”, #10/10/2010#)
Msgbox IsArray(a) ‘True
Msgbox a(5) ‘abcd
Msgbox UBound(a) ‘6

6) IsArray Function

It checks weather the Variable is Array Variable or not? And returns Boolean result(True/False).


Dim a, b(3), c(), d(4, 5)
Msgbox IsArray(a) ‘False
Msgbox IsArray(b) ‘True
Msgbox IsArray(c) ‘True
Msgbox IsArray(d) ‘True

7) IsNumeric Function

It checks weather the value is Numeric value or not? And returns Boolean result (True/False).


Dim a
a =”London”
Msgbox IsNumeric(a) ‘False
Msgbox IsNumeric(“London”)’False
Msgbox IsNumeric(100) ‘True
Msgbox IsNumeric(1.234) ‘True
Msgbox IsNumeric(“123”) ‘True
Msgbox IsNumeric(#10/10/2010#) ‘False
Msgbox IsNumeric(“123*”) ‘False

8) IsDate Function

It checks weather the value is Date type data or not? And returns Boolean result (True/False).


Dim a
a =#10/10/2010#
Msgbox IsDate(a) ‘True
Msgbox IsDate(“London”)’False
Msgbox IsDate(100) ‘False
Msgbox IsDate(1.234) ‘False
Msgbox IsDate(“123”) ‘False
Msgbox IsDate(#10/10/10#) ‘True
Msgbox IsDate(#10-10-10#) ‘True
Msgbox IsDate(#Oct/10/10#) ‘True
Msgbox IsDate(#December/10/10#) ‘True

9) IsEmpty Function

It checks weather the Variable is Empty variable or not?


Dim a
Msgbox IsEmpty(a) ‘True
a =0
Msgbox IsEmpty(a) ‘False

10) Date Function

It returns Local System Current Date value.

11) Time Function

It returns Local System Current Time value.

12) Now Function

It returns Local System Date and Time value.


Dim a
a = Date
Msgbox a

Msgbox Date

Msgbox Time

Msgbox Now

msgbox Date &” “& Time
Msgbox Time&” “&Date

13) DateDiff Function

Returns Date difference between two dates based on interval.

It deducts first date from second date.

Dim date1, date2
date1 = #10/10/2010#
date2 = #10/10/2012#

Msgbox DateDiff(“d”, date1, date2) &” Days”
Msgbox DateDiff(“yyyy”, date1, date2) &” Years”
Msgbox DateDiff(“q”, date1, date2) &” Quarters”
Msgbox DateDiff(“m”, date1, date2) &” Months”
Msgbox DateDiff(“w”, date1, date2) &” Weeks”
Msgbox DateDiff(“h”, date1, date2) &” Hours”
Msgbox DateDiff(“n”, date1, date2) &” Minutes”
Msgbox DateDiff(“s”, date1, date2) &” Seconds”

14) Len Function

It returns length of a string or number.


Dim a
Msgbox Len(a) ‘3
Msgbox Len(100) ‘3
Msgbox Len(1.234)’5
Msgbox Len(“India”)’5
Msgbox Len(“@#$”) ‘3
Msgbox Len(#10/10/2010#) ’10
Msgbox Len(#10/10/10#) ’10
Msgbox Len(#Sep/10/2010#) ‘9
Msgbox Len(#December/10/2010#) ’10

Count length for “abc

15) Left Function

It returns a specified number of characters from left side of a String or number.


Dim a
a =”Hyderabad”
Msgbox Left(a, 3) ‘Hyd
Msgbox Left(“Hyderabad”, 3)’Hyd
Msgbox Left(100, 1) ‘1
Msgbox Left(9849012345, 5) ‘98490
Msgbox Left(12.345, 3) ’12.
Msgbox Left(#10-10-2010#, 5)’10/10

16) Right Function

It returns a specified number of characters from right side of a String or number.


Dim a
a =”Hyderabad”
Msgbox Right(a, 3) ‘bad
Msgbox Right(“Hyderabad”, 3)’bad
Msgbox Right(100, 1) ‘0
Msgbox Right(9849012345, 5) ‘12345
Msgbox Right(12.345, 3) ‘345
Msgbox Right(#10-10-2010#, 5)’/2010

17) Mid Function

It returns a specified number of characters from a string or number.


Msgbox Mid(“Hyderabad”, 4, 3)’era
Msgbox Mid(“Hyderabad”, 4)’erabad

Msgbox Left(“Hyderabad”, 3) ‘Hyd
Msgbox Mid(“Hyderabad”, 1, 3) ‘Hyd

Msgbox Right (“Hyderabad”, 3) ‘bad
Msgbox Mid(“hyderabad”, 7) ‘bad

18) Trim Function

It removes spaces from both sides of a string or number

19) LTrim Function
It removes left side spaces from both sides of a string or number

20) RTrim Function

It removes right side spaces from both sides of a string or number


Dim a
a = ” VB Script ”
Msgbox Trim (a)
Msgbox LTrim (a)
Msgbox RTrim (a)

Dim a
a = “VB Script”
b = Split(a)
Msgbox b(0)&b(1) ‘VBScript

21) LCase Function

It converts values to lower cases


Dim a
Msgbox LCase(a) ‘london
Msgbox LCase(“LONDON”)’ london
Msgbox LCase(“LONdon”) ‘london
Msgbox LCase(“london”) ‘london
Msgbox LCase(“LONdon123”) ‘london123
Msgbox LCase(123)’123

22) UCase Function

It converts values to upper cases


Dim a
Msgbox UCase(a) ‘london
Msgbox UCase(“LONDON”)’ LONDON
Msgbox UCase(“LONdon”) ‘LONDON
Msgbox UCase(“london”) ‘LONDON
Msgbox UCase(“LONdon123”) ‘LONDON123
Msgbox UCase(123)’123

23) Cint Function

It converts String sub type to integer sub type.

It doesn’t convert Alfa bytes.


Dim a
a =”123″
MSgbox VarType(a) ‘8
a = Cint(a)
MSgbox VarType(a) ‘2

a =”abc”
MSgbox VarType(a)’8

a = Cint(a)
MSgbox VarType(a) ‘Error

24) Cdbl Function
It converts string type data into Double sub type.


Dim a
a =”123.234″
MSgbox VarType(a) ‘8
a = Cdbl(a)
MSgbox VarType(a) ‘5

a =”abc”
MSgbox VarType(a)’8

a = Cdbl(a)
MSgbox VarType(a) ‘Error

25) Split Function

Splits a String based on delimiter, default delimiter is space.


Dim a, b
a = “VB Script Language”
b = Split(a)
Msgbox b(0)’VB
Msgbox b(1)’Script
Msgbox b(2)’language

Dim a, b
a = “VB,Script,Language”
b = Split(a, “,”)
Msgbox b(0)’VB
Msgbox b(1)’Script
Msgbox b(2)’language

Dim a, b
a = “VB$#%Script$#%Language”
b = Split(a, “$#%”)
Msgbox b(0)’VB
Msgbox b(1)’Script
Msgbox b(2)’language

Dim email
email = “”
a =Split(email,”@”)
b= Split(a(1), “.”)
Msgbox a(0)’abcdefg
Msgbox b(0)’gmail
Msgbox b(1)’com

26) Join Function

It joins all elements of an Array.


Dim a(2)

a(0) = “VB”
a(1) = “Script”
a(2) =”Language”
Msgbox Join(a, “,”)’VB,Script,Language

Dim a(2)

a(0) = “VB”
a(1) = “Script”
a(2) =”Language”
Msgbox Join(a)’VB Script Language

27) LBound Function

28) UBound Function

Dim a
a = Array(1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8)
Msgbox LBound(a) ‘0
Msgbox UBound(a) ‘5

29) InputBox Function

30) Msgbox Function

Dim a
a = InputBox(“Enter a Value”)
msgbox a
Dim a, b
a = 100
b = 200

Msgbox a
Msgbox “Value of a is: “& a
Msgbox a & ” Hundred”
Msgbox “Value of a is: “& a &” Value of b is: “&b

32) VarType Function

It checks variable data sub type and returns constant based Result.


Dim a, b
a= 100
Msgbox VarType(a) ‘2 for Integer
Msgbox VarType(100) ‘2 for Integer
Msgbox VarType(b) ‘0 for Uninitialized /Empty
Msgbox VarType(b) ‘8 for String
Msgbox VarType(b) ‘8 for String
Msgbox VarType(b) ‘5 for Double
Msgbox VarType(b) ‘7 for Date

Set b = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Msgbox VarType(b) ‘9 for object

33) CreateObject Function

It creates Automation object in a specified class


Set Variable = CreateObject(“Class Value”)


Dim objFso
Msgbox varType (objFso) ‘0
‘Storing Object Reference
Set objFso = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Msgbox varType (objFso) ‘9

Dim objExcel
Set objExcel = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”)

Dim objWord
Set objWord = CreateObject(“Word.Application”)

Dim objConnection
Set objConnection = CreateObject(“Adodb.Connection”)

Dim objDictionary
Set objDictionary = CreateObject(“Scripting.Dictionary”)

34) StrComp Function

It compares two strings based on Compare mode and returns constant based Result.

Compare modes

0 for Binary
1 for Textual

Result Criteria

if str1 = str2 then 0
if str1 > str2 then 1
if str1 < str2 then -1


Dim str1, str2
str1 =”UFT”

Msgbox StrComp(str1, str2, 0) ‘-1
Msgbox StrComp(str1, str2) ‘-1

Msgbox StrComp(str1, str2, 1)’0

str1 =”uFT”
Msgbox StrComp(str1, str2) ‘1
Msgbox StrComp(str1, str2, 1) ‘0

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