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Java Programming for Selenium

Selenium Tutorial 5: Java Programming for Selenium

Java Programming for Selenium

Why Java for Selenium?

> Selenium written in Java, It does mean that Java only more compatible with Selenium, we can use other supported languages also.

> Good support for Selenium with Java, You can get more help documentation and code implementations from internet.

> Majority of Selenium Testers (nearly 77%) using Java, so knowledge sharing is very easy.

> Java is platform independent language, we can use Java on any Operating environment.
How much Java is required for selenium?

> For Test Automation using Selenium Core Java is sufficient, Advanced Java is not required.

> Java Fundamentals and OOPS (Object Oriented Programming System) concepts are required.

We can segregate Java for selenium in to 2 categories.
A) Java Fundamentals

B) Java OOPS Concepts
A) Java Fundamentals
i) Comments in Java

> To make the code Readable
> To make the code disable from execution.

Java supports Single line comment and multiple lines comment.
ii) Data Types in Java

A data type is a classification of the type of data that a variable or object can hold in computer programming.






Boolean etc…

Java supports two categories of Data types

a) Primitive Data Types

b) Reference Data Types
iii) Java Modifiers

Modifiers are used to set access levels for Classes, Variables, and Methods etc…

a) Access Modifiers (Default, Public, Private and Protected)

b) Non Access Modifiers(Static, Final, Abstract, Synchronized etc…)
iv) Variables in Java

> A named memory location to store temporary data within a program

Three types of Variables in Java

a) Local Variables

b) Instance variables

c) Class / Static Variables
v) Operators in Java

Operators are used to perform Mathematical, Comparison and Logical operations.

Categories of operators

a) Arithmetic Operators

b) Relational Operators

c) Bitwise Operators

d) Logical Operators

e) Assignment Operators

f) Miscellaneous Operators
Flow Control Statements
Conditional Statements
Loop Statements

vi) Conditional Statements

a) If Statement

b) Switch Statement
Types of Condition

a) Single Condition (Positive/Negative)

b) Compound Condition

c) Nested condition
Usage of Conditional Statements

a) Execute a block of statements when condition is True.

b) Execute a block of statements when condition is True, otherwise execute another block of statements.

c) Decide among several alternates (Else If)

d) Execute a block of statements when more than one condition is True.(nested If)

e) Decide among several alternates (Switch statement)
vii) Loop Statements

Used for Repetitive execution.

Four Types of Loop structures in Java

a) For loop

b) While loop

c) Do While loop

d) Enhanced For loop (arrays)
viii) Arrays in Java

> Generally, Array is a collection of similar type of elements.

> In Java, Array is an Object that contains elements of similar data types.

> Java Array is index based, index starts from Zero.

> The length of an Array is established when the Array is created and Array length is fixed.

> Each item in an Array is called an Element.
ix) Java Methods

Methods are also known as Functions.

In structured programming (Ex: C Language) we use Functions(Built-in and User defined),
In Object oriented programming we use Methods (Built-in and User defined).

Basically Methods are Two types.

a) Built in Methods Number Methods
Character methods
String Methods
Date & Time Methods

b) User defined Methods
Method with returning value
Method without returning any value.
x) Regular Expressions

> It is a Formula for matching patterns, A Regular expression defines search pattern for Strings.

Java provides java.util.regex package for pattern matching.
xi) IO Operations and File handling in Java

The package contains classes to perform Input and Output operations.

> Read data using Input devices.

> Display output on the Console.

> Read and Write Text files and other file.

Using Java File class we can handle Text files.
xii) Exception handling In Java

In Computer programming, Exception is an abnormal condition.

> An exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a program that disturbs the normal flow of instructions.

> The exception handling in java is one of the powerful mechanism to handle the Run-time errors so that normal flow of the program can be maintained.
B) Java Object Oriented programming System (OOPS) concepts.

Four Fundamentals of OOPS

i) Inheritance

ii) Polymorphism

iii) Abstraction

iv) Encapsulation
i) Inheritance

> Inheritance is a mechanism in which one Object acquires all the properties and behaviors of Parent object.

> using Inheritance we can create Classes that are built in upon existing classes.

> When we Inherit from an existing class, then we can reuse Methods and fields from
Parent class and we can add new methods and fields.

Java Supports:

a) Single Inheritance

b) Multi Level Inheritance

c) Hierarchal Inheritance

Note: Java doesn’t support Multiple Inheritance.
ii) Polymorphism

Performing task/s in different ways.

Polymorphism derived from two Greek words,

Poly-means Many

Morphs -means forms/ways

So polymorphism means many ways.

Two types of Polymorphism in Java

a) Compile Time Polymorphism

b) Run-time Polymorphism

Note: We can achieve Polymorphism by Method Overloading and Method Overriding.
iii) Abstraction

> Abstraction is a process of hiding the implementation details and showing functionality to the user.

> In another way it shows important things to the user and hides internal details.

Ex: Sending email

> Abstraction focuses on what the Object does instead of how it does.

Abstraction can be achieved in two ways

a) Abstract Class(0 to 100%)

b) Interface (100%)
iv) Encapsulation

> Encapsulation is a process of wrapping code and data together into a single unit.

Ex: Capsule (mixed of several medicines)

It provides control over the data.
Java Packages

A Java package is a similar type of classes, interfaces and sub packages.

Two types of Packages in Java

a) Built in Packages

Ex: io, util, sql etc…

b) User defined Packages
Interfaces in java

> An interface is a collect of abstract methods.

> An Interface is not a class, writing an interface is similar to writing a class, but two are different concepts.
Java Programming hierarchy

Java Project
> Java Package
>Java class/ Java Interface

Note: We write Java code in the Class or Interface.

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