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Java Programming for Selenium

Java for Selenium Part 1: Java Environment Setup, Java Syntax, Java Program Structure
Java Programming for Selenium

1) Java for Selenium Part 1

(Java Environment Setup on MS Windows, Write & Execute a Java Program using Windows Command Prompt, Write Java programs using Eclipse IDE, Java Syntax Rules, and Java Program Structure)

2) Java for Selenium Part 2

(Java Programming Example with all Java Programming features such as Modifiers, Data Types, Variables, Operators, Flow Control Statements, Methods etc.., Writing Comments in Java Programs, Comments Syntax in Java and usage of Java Comments in Selenium Test Scripts.)

3) Java for Selenium Part 3

(Java Data Types, Modifiers and Variables in Java. Java Primitive Data Types, Java Non-primitive Data Types, Java Access Modifiers, Java Non-access Modifiers, Java Variable Declaration, Usage of Java Variables and Java Variable Naming Restrictions. Types of Variables in Java, Java Local Variable, Java Instance Variables and Java Static or Class Variables. )

4) Java for Selenium Part 4

(Java Operators and Conditional Statements, Java Arithmetic Operators, Assignment Operators, Java Comparison Operators and Java Logical Operators. Types of Conditional Statements, if Statement, Switch Statement, Types of Conditions in Java, Single Condition, Compound Condition or Multi Condition and Java nested conditions.)

5) Java for Selenium Part 5

(Java Loop Statements, String Handling in Java, Java for loop, Java while loop, Java do while loop and Java Enhanced for loop. Insert Conditions in Loop Blocks and vice versa, Strings in Java, Creating Strings, String Comparison, String Concatenation, find String length and Other String Operations.)

6) Java for Selenium Part 6

(Java Arrays, Input and Output Operations in Java, Create or Declare Arrays in Java, Assign values to Array Elements, Print Array, Copy Array, Read Array and Write Array. Read Input using Mouse and keyboard using Scanner Object, Read String Type Data, Read Integer Type Data, Read Boolean Type Data, Read Character Type Data and Display Out on the Console.)

7) Java for Selenium Part 7

(Java Exception Handling, File Handling in Java, What is Exception, handle Exceptions using try catch blocks in Java Programs, Java Arithmetic Exception, Java Null Pointer Exception and Java Array Out of Bounds Exception. Create a Folder, Create a File, Read a File, Write a File and Other File System Operations. )

8) Java for Selenium Part 8

(User Defined Methods in Java, Java Static & Non Static Methods, Create Static Method with return a value and with Arguments, Create Static method without return any value, Create a Non-static Method with return a value and Create a Non-static method without return any value. Create an Object,  by invoking an  Object create Non-static methods and using class name call Static Methods.)

9) Java for Selenium Part 9

(Java Built-in Methods, Java Predefined methods, Categories of Java Methods, Java String Methods to conduct Operations on Java Strings, Java Number Methods in conduct Operations on Number type data, Java Character Methods to conduct operations on Character type data, Java Array Methods to conduct operations on Java Arrays and Java Date Methods.)

10) Java for Selenium Part 10

(Java Object Oriented Programming System, Java Inheritance, Types of Inheritance in Java, Single Inheritance, Multi level inheritance and multiple Inheritance.  Inheriting Java Classes using “extends” keyword, Java Polymorphism, Compile Time Polymorphism or Method OverLoading and Run-time Polymorphism or Method Overriding and Java Programming Examples)

11) Java for Selenium Part 11

(Java Object Oriented Programming System part 2, Java Abstraction, Abstract and Concrete Methods in Java, Create Abstract classes and reuse Abstract Methods.  Java Interfaces, Interfaces versus Abstraction, Create Java Interface, Reuse Interface, Java Encapsulation, Reuse private class members using getter & setter methods and Advantages & Disadvantages of Encapsulation feature in Java Programming.)

Java Step by Step Videos for Selenium

12) Java for Selenium the Conclusion

(Usage of Java programming for writing Selenium Test Scripts, Java Modifiers for Selenium, usage of Dta Types in Selenium Testing, Usage of Variables for Selenium, usage of Operators, usage Java Control Flow Statements in Selenium Testing, usage of Strings, Usage of Arrays, Usage of IO, and usage of exceptions. Usage of Java Object Oriented Concepts for writing Selenium Test cases or Test scripts. )

Programming for Test Automation (To Write Test Scripts)

• Selenium supports 6 Programming Languages (Java, C#.NET, Python, Perl, Ruby and PHP), we can use any one of those languages to write Test Scripts in Selenium.

• Java Fundamentals (Data Types, Modifiers, Variables, Operators, Flow Control Statements, Input and Output Operations, String Handling, Arrays, Exception Handling, File Handling, Built-in Methods, and User defined Methods)
And Java OOPS (Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction and Encapsulation) are enough for Test Automation with Selenium.

Use Java Programming for writing Test Scripts.

Why Java? Why can’t we use other Languages?

• Selenium written in Java, It doesn’t mean that Java only more compatible with Selenium, we can use other supported programming languages also.• Majority of Selenium Testers (nearly 77%) using Java to write Test Scripts, so knowledge sharing is very easy.• Good support for Selenium with Java, You can get more Help documentation and code implementations from internet when it compares to other supported languages.• Java is platform independent language, we can use on any Operating environment.

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