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What are the Challenges you faced in Selenium Automation?

What are the Challenges you faced in Selenium Automation?

What are the Challenges you faced in Selenium Automation?

Challenges in Selenium Test Automation

I have faced so many challenges in my current project Test Automation using Selenium.

Ours is Enterprise Application, Insurance Domain, and Operating Environment is Windows 10 and Server side is Windows 2008 Server,

As per the Customer requirement we need to conduct Browser compatibility Testing also, Our selenium test scripts were executed properly in Firefox Browser, but in IE browser we faced so many issues like timeout problems/Synchronization problems…We found that IE Browser is slower than Firefox browser in Test case execution…

What are the challenges faced in Selenium

We faced some difficulties in handling Dynamic elements in our web pages…

And we faced some problems in Extracting data from some web tables, and Extracting data from dynamic web tables.

In or AUT (Application Under Test) so many uploading and downloading files scenarios and There Is no any direct command to upload or download files from web page using selenium WebDriver.

We faced some challenges in handling multiple popup, in our AUT so many Popup windows, we can handle Popup windows using Selenium but in our application, some popup windows were not handled using regular methods

Bitmap comparison was not supported by Selenium, we manually did this….

And finally, it is not the challenge, we have spent more time than expected on Selenium Automation due to Framework implementation, no built in object repository, in selenium, and no built in result report facility…

Limitations of Selenium…

1) Selenium supports Web based Applications only, it doesn’t support Desktop Applications/Windows based Applications.

2) Selenium doesn’t have built-n Object Repository like UFT/QTP to maintain objects/elements in a centralized location, but we can overcome this limitation using Page Object model.

3) Selenium WebDriver (main tool in selenium’s tool suite) doesn’t have IDE (Integrated development Environment), so we need to write code for every Test step.

4) Selenium doesn’t have built-in Result Reporting facility, we can overcome this drawback using Testing Framework Assert Methods/Commands or using programming features.

5) Since selenium is Open Source Software no reliable Technical Support like Commercial tools UFT, RFT etc…

6) Image based Testing is Difficult using Selenium.

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