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Preparation for getting Software Testing Job

Preparation for getting Software Testing Job|Software Testing Career Guidance|G C Reddy|

Getting Software Testing Job

This article about that how to get Software Testing Job as a Fresher as well as Experienced….

Step 1: Check your capabilities and create your Resume
Step 2: Resume Marketing
Step 3: Interview Preparation and Updating
Step 4: Getting Software Testing Job
Step 5: Software Testing Career Guidance

Step 1: Check your capabilities and create your Resume

If you are a fresher and after choosing Software Testing as career then first check your academic profile, suppose if you have computer or other technical graduation then OK, otherwise also no problem for Software Testing but nowadays due to dry job market, companies may give some priority for academic background.

You can overcome your drawbacks of academic profile by increasing your skills and get Software Testing certification etc… and Software Testing certification is also important for experienced, it is an added advantage for your resume/profile…

Prepare your resume clearly in an easily understandable format by mentioning your Contact Details (Email and Phone), Career Objective, Software Testing Knowledge, Academic, Software Testing Certifications if any, Software Skills and your Personnel details.

If you’re experienced then focus on your experience and try to learn industry trending topics, and prepare your resume by mentioning your Software Testing Skills, Academic, Software testing Certifications if any, Project/s Details (Project Description, Project Technical info and your Job Responsibilities) and your personal details etc…

You try to mention your other skills apart from your experience in your resume (Example: You have an experience on Manual Testing and Automated Testing using UFT/QTP, but you have Selenium Knowledge also then you mention that)

Note: Whenever you want try a Job as experienced then apart from your experience also focus on industry trending subjects…

Step 2: Resume Marketing

After preparing your resume then start marketing it, we have several ways to market our resume…

1) Upload your resume to popular Job Portals like etc…
(Employers, after seeing your resume then send email their requirements or send their requirements by phone also, you respond and you can get interviews)

2) Apply for Jobs Directly
(Sometimes Employers directly post their requirements on internet or other media, for that you can send your resume directly…)

3) Send Your Resumes to Your Friends or Well-wishers who are working in Software Testing
(Your friends or well-wishers who are working in this area can give reference for you)

Step 3: Interview Preparation and Updating

Prepare for Interviews based on your skills, in Interviews Soft Skills like communication etc.. and Hard skills like your subject (Manual Testing, Selenium, Java, sql) both are important.

If you are a fresher or experienced you may face two types of Questions,
One is General Questions (Ex: Tell me about yourself?, What is your strength? and what is your weakness? etc)
Next, Questions on your Subject/s (Difference between Re and Regression testing? etc…)

Experience people get subject related questions as well as Real Time oriented questions (related to their job responsibilities) apart from General Interview questions.

Fresher get subject related questions and general questions.

After facing one or two interviews, If you are not able to getting a job then improve your skills using those interviews experience and follow current job market trends then definitely you can success…

Step 4: Getting Software Testing Job

Getting Software Testing Job or any other Job is not only depends on your skills also depends on Job market, be patient and don’t lose your confidence then you can get a job irrespective of the market.

Step 5: Software Testing Career Guidance

If you choose Software Testing as a career then good, it is a good decision and you will have bright future,

If you are a fresher then learn first Manual Testing, next automated Testing using UFT or Selenium,  next SQL for Database Testing and UNIX Operating Environment etc…

If you are an experienced then first focus on your experience then also focus on industry trends, try to learn trending subjects…

Note: As a Software Professional, update regularly, and no relax for Software professionals…

Software Testing Career Guidance
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