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How to learn Java for Software Testing?

How to learn Java for Software Testing?

How to learn Java for Software Testing?, first focus on Java Programming Environment, Java Language Fundamentals, and Java Object Oriented Programming.

Software Testing can be done in two ways, one is Manual Testing and another is Automated Testing or Test Automation, no programming knowledge is required for Manual Testing, but it is required for Automated Testing especially for Functional Automated Testing.

We use programming languages like VBScript, JavaScript, Java, Python, .NET etc…for Software Testing (Automated testing).

Java is more useful for Software Testing (Automated Testing) than other programming languages,

Core Java Step by Step Tutorial

> Java is used with Selenium for Functional Testing,
> Java is used with Appium for Mobile Testing,
> Java is used with RFT for Functional Testing,
> Java Runtime is required to use JMeter tool for Performance Testing.
> Java Runtime is required to use SoapUI tool for Web services Testing.

So learning Java programming enhances Software Testing career…

Come to Java programming, Java has different editions,

1) Java Standard Edition or Core Java

2) Java Enterprise Edition or Advanced Java

3) Java Micro Edition

Note: Java standard Edition or Core Java is enough for Software Testing (Automated Testing), If it is Java for Selenium or Java for Appium or Java for RFT.

Java Standard Edition or Core Java for Software Testing

How to learn Java for Software Testing?, Software programming has two important tasks, one is GUI Programming and another Functionality development.

To development graphical user interfaces in Java, use either Swing (older applications) or JavaFX. GUI programming is not required for Software testing, Functionality development features are enough for Software testing.

In this scenario we can divide Java Concepts into four categories,

1) Java Programming Environment

2) Java Language Fundamentals

3) Java Object Oriented Programming

4) Java Specialized Concepts

1) Java Programming Environment

How to learn Java for Software Testing?, First we need to setup Java Programming Environment to learn Java (for writing and executing Java Programs).

Download & Install Java Software (JDK – Java Development Kit)

Java is cross-platform language, it supports various Operating Systems like MS Windows, Linux, Macintosh etc,  Download your operating system compatible Java software from Java official website (, and install.

Set Java Environment Variable 

After installation of Java in your computer then set Java Environment variable in order to use Java Software from any directory of your Computer.

Download and Extract/Install Eclipse IDE for Java

IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is required to write & execute/run Java programs, download and Install/extract Eclipse IDE for Java, Eclipse IDE provides editor for writing programs, syntax highlighting, context help, auto compilation,  and many more.

Note: Editor is required for writing programs, and language compiler is required for compiling the programs.

Java Program Format / Java Program Structure

Know the Java Programming format, ex: Create Java Project, Java Package, and Java Class. Sections of Java Program, Package declaration, Import statements, Interface section, main program, creating Methods, creating objects, calling methods, variable declaration, and writing code blacks

Java Basic Syntax

Writing comments, Java keywords, Java identifiers, Write Java Statements, and writing code blocks (conditions, loops, methods etc.)

2) Java Language Fundamentals

After Java programming environment setup then focus on learning Java programming language fundamentals,

Java Variables

(Variable is a memory location used to store temporary data within a program)

Java supports three types of variables:

i) Local Variables
ii) Instance or Non static Variables
iii) Static or Class Variables

Java Data Types

(Data Type is a classification of the type of data that a Variable or Constant or Method can hold in computer programming.)

Java supports two types of Data Types:

i) Primitive Data Types
ii) Non primitive Data Types

Operators in Java

Java supports various types of Operators:

i) Arithmetic Operators
ii) Unary Operators
iii) Comparison / Relational Operators
iv) Logical Operators
v) Assignment Operation

Java Control Flow

Control flow statements, break up the flow of execution by employing decision making, looping, and branching, enabling your program to conditionally execute particular blocks of code.

Java has three types of control flow statements:

i) Conditional or Decision making statements
ii) Loop statements
iii) Branching statements

3) Java Object Oriented Programming

 Learn about Class, Object, Constructor, Interface etc…

Java Modifiers 

Modifiers are keywords that you add to those definitions to change their meanings. Java language has a wide variety of modifiers, including Java Access Modifiers (public, private, default, and protected), and Non Access Modifiers (final, static, abstract, synchronized etc,).)

Java Methods 

(Java Built-in Methods – Java String Methods, Java Array Methods, Java Number Methods, and Java Character Methods), Java User defined Methods – Method with return a value (static and non static), and Method without return any value (static and non static).)

Four fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming System:

i) Inheritance
ii) Polymorphism
iii) Abstraction
iv) Encapsulation

4) Java Specialized Concepts

Java Strings

(Creating Strings, Find a String length, String Comparison, String Concatenation, Concept of Substring, Convert String to Integer, and Convert String to Double Etc…)

Java Arrays 

(Create different types (Data Types) of Arrays, Access the Elements of an Array, Change an Array Element, Find Array Length, Loop Through an Array, Loop Through an Array with For-Each, and Multidimensional Arrays.)

Java Collections

(Java Collection means a single unit of objects. Java Collection framework provides many interfaces (Set, List, Queue, Deque) and classes (ArrayList, Vector, LinkedList, PriorityQueue, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet).)

Java User Input

(The Scanner class is used to get user input, and it is found in the java.util package. To use the Scanner class, create an object of the class and use any of the available methods found in the Scanner class documentation.)

Java IO

(Java IO is an API that comes with Java which is targeted at reading and writing data (input and output). … For instance, read data from a file or over network, and write to a file or write a response back over the network. The Java IO API is located in the Java IO package ( ).)

Java Database Connectivity

(Steps to connect any Java application with the database using JDBC, Register the driver class, Create the connection object, Create the Statement object, Execute the query, and Close the connection object)

Java Exception Handling

(What is Exception in Java?, What is Exception Handling, Types of Java Exceptions, Java Exception Keywords
(try, catch, finally, throw, throws), and Common Scenarios of Java Exceptions (ArithmeticException, NullPointerException, NumberFormatException, and ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.))

Usage of Java in Selenium

Java syntax is used in writing Selenium Test cases (every step/statement should end with semi colon, case-sensitivity etc…),

we use Java Variables and Data type to store different types of data in Selenium Test cases,

Java operators for performing mathematical, comparison and logical operations,

Conditional statement to insert conditions,

Loop statements to conduct Data driven testing,

User defined methods to create reusable functions…

Java Strings are used to store that returned by a program,

Java Arrays are used to store table format (excel) data,


How to learn Java for Software Testing?

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