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How does Selenium testing tool work?

How does Selenium testing tool work?

How does Selenium testing tool work?, Selenium test environment setup, Inspecting elements, Locating elements in Selenium, Selenium WebDriver methods, and writing Selenium Test Cases.

Selenium automates browsers, primarily it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, and Boring web-based administration tasks can also be automated as well.

Selenium Step by Step Tutorial for Beginners.

> Selenium is used for Functional & Regression Testing of Web Applications.

> Selenium is not a single tool, a suite of test tools, but Selenium WebDriver is a powerful tool in this suite and supports Test design & Test execution.

> Selenium (WebDriver) supports various operating environments, programming languages, and browsers to conduct testing.

> Selenium supports Batch Testing, Cross Browser Testing, Data-driven Testing, and database testing.

How Selenium performs Functional Testing:

Functional Test tools like Selenium, UFT, RFT, SilkTest, etc. perform Functional test operations based on front-end objects or elements. But an exception is there for Functional Database testing, no front-end object reference is required for database testing.

Performance Test tools like JMeter, LoadRunner, NeoLoad, RPT, SilkPerformer, etc. perform performance test operations based on protocols (Ex: http, https, JDBC, ODBC, etc.).

Writing Selenium Test Cases:

Two things in Selenium Test steps, one is Locating an element and another is performing the action on the element.

Manual Test Step:  Click “Gmail” link in “Google” home page.

Selenium Test Step: driver.findElement(By.linkText(“Gmail”)).clcik();

We create/write Selenium WebDriver Test cases using Element locators and WebDriver commands. Element locators for locating or recognizing elements in web pages, and WebDriver methods for performing actions on the elements.

Enhancing Selenium Test Cases:

Selenium is not an all-inclusive test tool, it requires some third party plugins and frameworks in order to increase the scope of testing.

> Using Programming language (Ex: Java) we can create reusable functions for test cases.

> Handling different types of data in test cases using programming (Ex: Java) variables and data types.

> Parameterization, and code repetitive execution using loop statements for data-driven testing.

> Using programming (Ex: Java), Inserting exception handling code in test cases to handle run-time errors.

> Using Testing framework annotations, attributes and methods creating test batches, prioritize test cases, and generating test reports.

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