Learn Selenium in a Structured Way

Learn Selenium in a Structured Way, Select Selenium Tool/s and other plugins & frameworks, Selenium Test Environment, Locate HTML /Web Elements and perform actions on the elements using Selenium WebDriver methods.

Enhance Test Cases using programming concepts, Testing framework annotations, and Selenium Automation Framework implementation.

selenium tutorial
Selenium Tutorial for Beginners

Learn Selenium in a Structured Way:

First  select Selenium Tool/s and other Software for Testing

Selenium is not an all-inclusive test tool, it needs third party frameworks and plugins to broaden the scope of testing. UFT/QTP or RFT, they are all-inclusive test tools and commercial tools. So select Selenium tool/s and other software for Selenium Testing.

Test Tool: Selenium WebDriver

Programming Language – Java

Editor – Eclipse IDE

Testing Framework – TestNG

Build Automation Tool – Maven – Configuring and maintaining Test Environment

CI Tool – Jenkins – Integrating Development process with Testing Process

Next focus on Selenium Test Environment Setup

Steps to Setup Selenium Test Environment:

i. Download and install Java (JDK) Software

ii. Set Java Environment Variable path

iii. Download and extract/Install Eclipse IDE

iv. Integrate Maven with Selenium

v. Install TestNG plugin

vi. Download Browser drivers and instantiate in Selenium Test Case.


Note: Verify the Selenium Test Environment by writing & executing a sample Selenium test case.

Selenium Concepts…

Selenium supported Test Types (Functional & Regression Testing), BDD and TDD

Selenium Installation

Download Browser drivers (Chrome, gecko, edge, opera, and safari)

Inspect HTML / Web Elements using Browser builtin features (Developer Tools F12)

Element Locators in Selenium (id, name, className, tagName, linkText, partialLinkText, cssSelector, and xpath)

Performing actions on the Web Elements (AUT) using Selenium WebDriver methods/commands

Wait statements

Page Object Model for creating object repositories.

Write Selenium Test Cases (Select Manual Test cases, Locate elements using element locators, Perform actions on the elements using WedDriver methods)

Enhance test cases using programming concepts

Prioritize test cases, group test case, create test batches, execute test batches, and generate test reports using testing framework (TestNG)

Selenium Automation Framework Implementation

Selenium Test Environment Setup

Create Folder Structure

Create object repositories

Create reusable functions

Collect Test Data

Create/write Selenium Test cases

Execute Test Cases and store test results
Maintain Test Automation resources

Eclipse IDE: 

It is a platform for writing & executing Java Programs, It provides Editor for writing programs, Syntax guidance, context help, and auto compilation.

In our Selenium automation scenario, It is for writing & executing Selenium Test cases, and Selenium integration with other software like Java, TestNG, Maven, and Jenkins, etc.

Core Java or Java SE:

It is a programming language for developing software applications, in our testing scenario, it for Selenium enhancing test cases.

Selenium WebDriver: 

It is a test tool for Functional & Regression Testing, it supports Batch Testing, Cross-browser Testing, Data-driven Testing, and Database testing.


It a Testing framework (unit test framework) for creating test batches, prioritizing test cases, grouping test cases, executing test batches, and generating HTML test reports.


Build Automation Tool – Easily setup Selenium Test Environment and easy Maintenance of the Environment.


CI Tool – – Continuous Integration (integrating Testing process with development process).

Extent Reports:

Extent Reports is a customizable HTML report developed that can be integrated into Selenium WebDriver using JUnit and TestNG frameworks.

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