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What are the Key Features of Selenium?

What are the Key Features of Selenium?, Selenium Browser support, Test types support, Programming support, and Operating systems support, for conducting Automated Testing.

Selenium Tutorial for Beginners

Selenium is a Test tool/Test Automation Framework for Functional Testing of Web Applications in System Testing Level, and in Accepting Testing Level.

Selenium is not a single tool, a suite of test tools for conducting automated testing. it has Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium WebDriver, and selenium Grid.

Selenium RC was outdated and removed from the selenium’s tool suite. Selenium Grid is only for Test execution (Parallel Testing), Selenium IDE is a prototype tool, and Selenium WebDriver is a powerful tool in this suite of test tools.

We can conduct Parallel testing using Selenium Grid for Selenium WebDriver test cases.

What are the Key Features of Selenium?

1. Open source and Portable:

Selenium is an Open source and Portable Web Testing Framework.

2. Type of Testing:

Selenium supports Functional & Regression Testing of Web Applications.

3. Multiple OS Support:

Selenium supports various Operating environments (MS Windows, Linux, Macintosh) to conduct Testing.

4. Multiple Programming Languages Support:

Selenium supports various Programming Languages (Java, Python, C#.Net, Ruby, JavaScript, and Kotlin) for writing Test Cases

5. Multiple Browser Support:

Selenium supports various Browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, MS Edge, Opera, and Safari) to execute the Test Cases.

6. Testing Variants:

Selenium supports Batch Testing, Data Driven Testing, Cross Browser Testing, and Database Testing.

7. Parallel Testing:

Selenium supports Parallel Testing.

What are the Key Features of Selenium?

Focus on:

1. Selenium Test Environment Setup

2. Inspecting Elements

3. Elements Locators, and Locating elements

4. Performing Actions on the AUT using Selenium WebDriver Methods/commands

5. Enhancing Selenium Test Cases using programming concepts.

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