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Java Programming Syllabus

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Java Programming Language Syllabus.

Java Language Syllabus, Java Programming Environment, Java Syntax Rules, Java Language Fundamentals, and Java Object-Oriented Programming.

Java Language Syllabus

Java is a General-purpose programming language, to be used for writing software in the widest variety of application domains.

Java Programming language was developed by James Gosling with his team (Java Team, also known as Green Team) in 1995 for Sun Microsystems, later Java was acquired by Oracle in 2010.

Java is a Programming Language and a Platform, Java is used as programming to develop Software Applications, and It also used as a Software Platform to run Java applications.

Java Language was initially developed for digital devices such as set-top boxes, televisions, etc. now it is used for various types of application development.

Java is used to develop:
  1. Desktop GUI Applications
  2. Web Applications
  3. Enterprise Applications (Banking, ERP, Ecommerece, etc,)
  4. Mobile Applications
  5. Scientific Applications
  6. Embedded Systems
  7. Big Data Technologies
  8. Distributed Applications
  9. Cloud-based Applications
  10. Web servers and Application servers
  11. Software Tools (JMeter, Selenium, SoapUI were developed using Java)
  12. Gaming Applications
  13. Smart Cards

1. Introduction to Java Programming

What is Java?, History of Java, Types of Java Software, Editions of Java (Java Standard Edition, Java Enterprise Edition, and Java Micro Edition), Features of Java, Uses of Java Programming, Java Basic Syntax & Coding Standards, Java Environment Setup, and Java Language Elements.

2. Java Environment Setup

Java Features, Java Syntax Rules, Download & Install JDK (Java Development Kit) Software, Download Eclipse IDE & Extract, Write Java program in Notepad and Run form DOS Command prompt, and Write & Execute / Run Java Programs using Eclipse IDE. Configure Eclipse IDE (Eclipse IDE Fonts and Colors, and Output Console Fonts and colors.

3. Java Keywords and Identifiers 

Java keywords are also known as reserved words. Keywords are particular words that act as a key to a code.

Java Literals are syntactic representations of boolean, character, numeric, or string data. Literals provide a means of expressing specific values in your program.

4. Java Syntax.

Java Syntax is a particular format for writing commands in the Java programming language. Java Keywords, Java Identifiers, Structure of Java Programming, Java main method, Java Instructions, Java Code Blocks, Comments in Java, and Java Exception Handling.

5. Java Program Structure.

Java Program Structure with an Example, Declare Various types of Variables & Constants, Writing General Statements, Java Syntax Rules, Writing Condition Blocks (Normal if, Else If, Nested If, Switch…), Loop Blocks (for, while Do loop, Enhanced For…), and Declare Methods (Static, Non-static…) & Call Methods.

6. Comments in Java

Purpose Comments in Computer Programming, Code Documentation, Writing Single Line Comments, and Writing Multiple Line comments, and Writing Comments using Eclipse IDE Features.

7. Modifiers in Java.

Modifiers in Java, Types of Modifiers, Access Modifiers, and Non-Access Modifiers. public, private, default, and protected Access Modifiers in Java, and abstract, final, static, synchronized, etc.. Non Access Modifiers in Java.

8. Java Data Types.

What is Data Type?, Data Types in Java, Java Primitive Data Types, and Non-primitive Data Types. Java Integer Data Types, Relational Data Types, Character Data Type, and Conditional Data Type.

9. Variables in Java.

What is Variable?, Assign values to Variables, Usage of Variables, and variables naming restrictions in Java. Types of Variables in Java, Java Local Variables, Java Instance variables, and Java Static Variables or Class Variables.

10. Operators in Java

(What is Operator?, Types of Operators in Java, Java Arithmetic Operators, Java Relational or Comparison Operators, Java Assignment Operators, and Java Logical Operators with Syntax and Examples).

Java Control Flow Statements, Types of Flow Control Statements in Java, Java Conditional Statements (if, switch…), Java Loop Statements (for, while, do while, and enhanced for), and Branching Statements (break, continue and return).

11. Java Control Flow – Decision Making Statements.

Types of Decision making / Conditional Statements in Java, Types of Conditions- Single Condition, Compound condition, and Nested Condition. Usage of Conditional Statements, Simple Condition, Multi Condition, Else if structure, and Nested if structure.

12. Java Control Flow – Looping Statements.

(Looping through the Code, Types of Looping Statements in Java with Syntax & Examples. Java for loop, while loop, do while loop, and enhanced for loop. Parameterization, Code repetitive execution, and inserting loop blocks in conditions and vice versa).

13. Java Control Flow – Branching Statements.

Three branching statements in Java – break, continue and return. The break and continue in Java are two essential keyword beginners needs to familiar while using loops ( for loop, while loop and do while loop). break statement in java is used to break the loop and transfers control to the line immediate outside of loop while continue is used to escape current execution (iteration) and transfers control back to the start of the loop.

14. Java Strings

Strings, which are widely used in Java programming, are a sequence of characters. In the Java programming language, strings are treated as objects. The Java platform provides the String class to create and manipulate strings.

15. Java Numbers

Handling numbers using Java primary data types such as byte, int, long, float, and double. Autoboxing and Unboxing, and Java Number Methods.

16. Java Characters

Java Character Data Type, Chararector Wrapper Class, and Java Character Class Predefined Methods.

17. Java – Date and Time

Java provides the Date class available in java.util package, this class encapsulates the current date and time. Getting Current Date and Time, Date Comparison, Date Formatting, Date and Time Conversion Characters, Parsing Strings into Dates, Sleeping for a While, and Measuring Elapsed Time.

18. Java Arrays

Arrays in Java, Create an Array in Java, define Array Size, and Assign values to Array elements. Creating different types of Arrays – Array of Strings, Array of Integers, Array of characters, etc..Operations on Arrays like Find Array Size, copy Arrays, and print Arrays. Create & use ArrayList (Java Dynamic Data Structure).

19. Java ArrayList

The ArrayList class is a resizable array, Create Java ArrayList, Add Items, Access an Item, Change an Item, Remove an Item, ArrayList Size, Loop Through an ArrayList, and Sort an ArrayList.

20. Java IO – Read User Input.

Java Input and Output Operations, Read Input using Scanner object, Read & validate Input, Read Input using different predefined classes, and write Output on the Console using System.out.println(“”)

21. Java IO – File Handing.

File System Operations in Java, Working with Drives & Folders, Working with flat Files / Text files, Read Input from Text Files (Notepad), and Write-Output to Text Files. Working with Other types of files like Excel Files, Word Documents, PPT, etc…

22. Java Methods – User Defined Methods

Java User-defined Methods, Java Static and Non-Static Methods, Create Java Methods with or without Parameters and return a value, and create Java Methods with or without parameters and returns nothing. Call Java Methods, Call Java Methods from other Classes, and call Java methods using Inheritance.

23. Java Methods – Built-in Methods

Java Built-in Methods, Java Java Standard Library Methods, Java String Methods, Java Number Methods, Java Character Methods, and Array Methods.

24. Exception Handling in Java

What is Exception handling, Common Scenarios where Exceptions may occur, Java Arithmetic Exception, Java Null Pointer Exception, Java Number Format Exception, and Java Array Index Out of bounds Exception. Handling Exceptions using try catch blocks, and handling multiple exceptions in a program.

25. Java Object-Oriented Programming – Inheritance.

Java Object-Oriented Programming System – Inheritance, Types of Inheritance – single level Inheritance, Multilevel Inheritance, and Multiple Inheritance. Java Class members, and Reuse Class Members with Inheritance. Reuse Class Members between two or more classes in the Same Package and Reuse Class Members between two or more classes from different Packages under different projects.

26. Java Object-Oriented Programming – Polymorphism.

(Java Object Oriented Programming System – Polymorphism, Two Types of Polymorphism in Java, Compile Time Polymorphism / Method OverLoading and Run-Time Polymorphism / Method Overriding. Advantages of Polymorphism and Polymorphism examples).

27. Java Object-Oriented Programming – Abstraction.

(Java Object Oriented Programming System – Abstraction, What is Abstraction?, Create concrete and incomplete methods, create Abstract classes, and reuse Abstract Classes. Achieve Abstraction using Abstract Classes and using Interfaces).

28. Java Object-Oriented Programming – Encapsulation.

Java Object-Oriented Programming System – Encapsulation, What is Encapsulation? advantages of Encapsulation, Create getter and setter methods, and reuse private fields using getter & setter methods.

Java Programming Syllabus

29. Java Certification

A Java certification is highly regarded in the IT Industry and provides a Java developer with recognition worldwide. It helps you to find a better job, get a better salary, and even a better raise or bonus at your current job.

Oracle’s Java Certification has a tough passing percentage, close to 65% for both OCAJP (the Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer) and OCPJP (the Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer).

You need in-depth knowledge of the Java language and API to succeed in the exam.

Java Interfaces

(Create Java Interfaces, Java Classes vs Interfaces, Inherit Java Interfaces from Java classes, and reuse Java Interface Methods)

Java Programming Examples

(Java Programming general examples, Java Arithmetic Examples, Java Comparison Examples, Java Assignment examples, and Java Logical examples. Java Examples with Control Flow Statements and File handling. Java programming examples with Creating & calling Methods)

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