Access and Non Access Modifiers in Java

Access and Non Access Modifiers in Java, Java public modifier, Java private modifier, Java default modifier, and Java static modifier.

Modifiers in Java

Java provides a rich set of modifiers. They are used to control access mechanisms and also provide information about class functionalities to JVM.

Java has two categories of modifiers:

1. Access Modifiers :

Access Modifiers can be used to define access control for classes, methods, and variables. Java has four access modifiers, public, private, protected, and default.

Note: If you don’t specify any modifier then it is treated as ‘default’ modifier.

i. public

public access modifier is accessible everywhere.


public class Sample{

public int a =10;

public int add (Parameters){
method body…

ii. private

The private access modifier is accessible only within the class

private int b=200;

iii. default

if we don’t specify any modifier then It is treated as default, this can be accessed only within the package


class Sample{

iv protected

The protected modifier is accessible within the package, outside of the package but through Inheritance.


protected class Sample{

ModifierWithin the ClassWithin the PackageOutside of the Package by a SubclassOutside of the Package

2. Non-access modifiers:

In java, we have seven non-access modifiers. They are used with classes, methods, variables, constructors, etc to provide information about their behavior to JVM. They are:

i. static
ii. final
iii. abstract
vi. synchronized
v. transient
vi. volatile
vii. native

i. static

the static modifier is used to create classes, methods, and variables.

static int a=10;
static int add (parameters){

ii. final

final modifier for finalizing classes, methods, and variables.


final int x =100;//Correct
final int y;//Incorrect

iii. abstract

the abstract modifier is used to create abstract classes and abstract methods.


abstract class Sample{
abstract int add(); //abstract method
public int add(){ //concreate method

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