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String Handling in Python

String handling in Python.

Python Programming Tutorial for Beginners.

String Handling in Python, What is a String?, declaration of strings in Python, concatenating strings, and string comparison in Python.

String Handling in Python

What is String?

The string is a sequence of characters written in single quotes or in double quotes or in three double-quotes.

string1= ‘This is single quoted string’;
string2= “This is double quoted string”;
string3= “””This is triple quoted string”””;
print (string1);
print (string2);
print (string3);
String may have Alphabets, Numbers, and Special Characters

b= “100”;
c =”India123″;
d =”*&%$”;
e = “123*&%$”;
f =”India123*&%$”;
g=”Selenium With Java”

print (a);
print (b);
print (c);
print (d);
print (e);
print (f);
print (g);
How to use quotation marks in Strings?

string1 =’Hello Python Don’t’;
string2 =”Python” Strings”;
print (string1);
print (string2);

use Forward Slash (/) to avoid Syntax errors…

string1 =’Hello Python Don\’t’;
string2 =”Python\” Strings”;
print (string1);
print (string2);

Important Operations on Strings…

1. Finding String length

string1 =”Hello Python”;
print (len(string1));

2. Concatenating Strings

string1 =”Hello “;
print (string1 + string2);
string1 =”Hello “;
print (string1 + str(num));

3. Print a String multiple times

string1 =”Hello “;
print (string1 *10);

4. Check whether the String having all numeric characters?

string1 =”Hello”;
print (string1.isnumeric()); # False

string2 =”Hello123″;
print (string2.isnumeric()); # False

string3 =”12345″;
print (string3.isnumeric()); # True

5. Check whether the String having all alphabetic characters?

string1 =”Hello”;
print (string1.isalpha()); # True

string2 =”Hello123″;
print (string2.isalpha()); # False

string3 =”12345″;
print (string3.isalpha()); # False

6. Capitalize a String

str1 = “python programming language”
str3= “python1234″
x= str1.capitalize()
print(x) #Python programming language

print(str2.capitalize()) #Python programming language

7. Convert a string into lower case

str1 = “python programming language”
str3= “PYTHON1234″
print (str1.lower()) #python programming language
print (str2.lower()) #python programming
print (str3.lower()) #python1234
print (str4.lower()) #12345
print (str5.lower()) #&*(

8. Check whether a string ends with a specified suffix or not?

str1 = “Python Programming Language”
print (str1.endswith(“e”)) #True
print (str1.endswith(“age”)) #True
print (str1.endswith(“Language”)) #True
print (str1.endswith(“Programming Language”)) #True
print (str1.endswith(“Programming”)) #False

9. count() method

str1 = “Python is a Programming Language, Python is an Open source software and Python”
print (str1.count(“is a”)) # 2

10. replace() method

str1 = “Python is a Programming Language, Python is an Open source software, and Python”
print (str1) # Python is a Programming Language, Python is an Open source software, and Python
print (str1.replace(“Python”, “JavaScript”)) # JavaScript is a Programming Language, JavaScript is an Open source software, and JavaScript

Python Step by Step Tutorial

1. Introduction to Python Programming Language

2. Download and Install Python

Python Environment Setup (Using PyCharm IDE)

3. Python Language Syntax

4. Python Keywords and Identifiers

5. Comments in Python

6. Python Variables

7. Python Data Types

8. Python Operators

9. Python Conditional Statements

10. Python Loops

11. Python Branching Statements

12. Python Numbers

13. String Handling in Python

14. Python Data Structures – Lists

15. Python Data Structures – Sets

16. Python Data Structures – Tuples

17. Python Data Structures – Dictionaries

18. Python User Defined Functions

19. Python Built-in Functions

20. Python Modules

21. Python User Input

22. File Handling in Python

23. Python Date and Time

24. Python Exception Handling

25. Python Regular Expressions

26. Python Object-Oriented Programming

27. Inheritance in Python

28. Polymorphism in Python

29. Abstraction and Encapsulation in Python

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