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SQL Tutorial

SQL Tutorial

SQL Tutorial for Beginners.

SQL Tutorial for Beginners, SQL Language Elements, SQL Queries, Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language, and Data Control Language.

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard language for storing, manipulating, and retrieving data in databases.

SQL was initially developed at IBM in the 1970s, It became a standard of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1986.

Some common relational database management systems that use SQL are MySQL, MS SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Postgres, etc.

Subsets of SQL are Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML), and Data Control Language (DCL).

SQL Syllabus

1. Introduction to SQL
2. Introduction to Databases and RDMBS
3. Install a Database Engine
4. SQL Syntax
5. SQL Data Types
6. SQL Operators
7. SQL Expressions
8. SQL Comments
9. SQL – Data Definition Language Commands and Operations.
10. SQL – Data Manipulation Language Commands and Operations
11. SQL – Data Control Language Commands and Operations.
12. SQL Functions
13. SQL Queries and Sub Queries
14. SQL Clauses
15. SQL Joins
16. SQL Views
17. SQL Indexes
18. SQL Transactions
19. SQL Injection
20. SQL vs. NoSQL

SQL Tutorial for Beginners

1. Introduction to SQL

1. What is SQL?
2. Purpose of SQL
3. Who should learn SQL?
4. What are the subsets of SQL?
5. Data Definition Language
6. Data Manipulation Language
7. Data Control Language

Introduction to SQL

SQL Database Fundamentals

Relational Database Fundamentals, Database Objects, What is a Database?, Database Server, Database Management System, and Types of Databases.

1. What is Data?
2. What is a Database?
3. Database Objects in Relational databases
4. Database Server
5. Table and Record
6. What is DBMS?
7. Types of Database Management System
8. What are the types of databases?
9. What is Big Data?

SQL Language Elements

1. Identifiers
2. Data Types
3. Constants
4. Operators
5. Functions
6. Clauses
7. Expressions
8. Queries
9. Statements, Etc,

Database Fundamentals

SQL Overview

1. SQL Environment Setup
2. SQL Syntax
3. SQL Data Types
4. SQL Operators
5. SQL Functions
6. Data Definition Language
7. Data Manipulation Language
8. Data Control Language
9. SQL SELECT Statement
10. SQL Joins
11. Popular Database Management Systems

SQL Overview

SQL Operators

An operator is a reserved word or a character used primarily in an SQL statement’s WHERE clause to perform an operation(s), such as arithmetic, comparisons, and Logical operations.

Operators are used to specifying conditions in an SQL statement and to serve as conjunctions for multiple conditions in a statement.

Important Categories of SQL Operators are,

1. Arithmetic operators
2. Comparison operators
3. Logical operators Etc…

SQL Operators

SQL – Data Definition Language

Important DDL Commands

1. Create
2. Alter
3. Drop
4. Truncate
5. Rename

Important DDL Operations

1. Create a Database
2. Use Database
3. Rename a Database
4. Drop Database
5. Create a Table
6. Rename Table
7. Add a Column to exiting Table
8. Add multiple columns to existing Table
9. Modify an existing column
10. Rename a Column
11. Drop a Column
12. Truncate a Table
13. Drop a Table

Data Definition Language

SQL – Data Manipulation Language

SQL – DML  Commands

1. SELECT – Retrieves data from a table
2. INSERT – Inserts data into a table
3. UPDATE – Updates existing data into a table
4. DELETE – Deletes all records from a table

Data Manipulation Language

SQL Syllabus
SQL Queries for Software Testers
SQL Step by Step Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners
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