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Python Programming Tutorial

Python Programming Tutorial

Python Programming Tutorial for Beginners.

Python Programming Tutorial, Download & Install Python, PyCharm Installation, Python Language Fundamentals, and Python Object-Oriented Programming.

Python is a popular programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum and publicly released in 1991. It is further developed by the Python Software Foundation, and its official website is (

Python is a general-purpose, high-level, interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, and open-source programming language.

Python Programming Tutorial

1. Introduction to Python Programming

1. What is Python?
2. Key features of Python Language
3. Implementation of Python
4. Applications of Python
5. Python Environment Setup
6. Drawbacks of Python Language

2. Python and PyCharm IDE Installation

1. Download & Install Python Software
2. Write a first Python Program & Run
3. Download & Install PyCharm IDE

3. Python Language Basic Syntax

1. Modes of Programming in Python
2. Python Identifiers
3. Reserved Words
4. Lines and Indentation
5. Comments in Python
6. Quotation in Python

4. Python Variables & Data Types

1. Python variables naming rules
2. Create/Declare Variables
3. Global and Local Variables
4. Get Variables Data Type
5. Python Built-in Data Types

5. Operators in Python Language

1. Arithmetic Operators
2. Comparison (Relational) Operators
3. Assignment Operators
4. Logical Operators
5. Identity Operators
6. Bitwise Operators

Python Control Flow Statements

6. Python Control Flow – Decision Making

1. Run a block of statements when a condition is true
2. Run a block of statements when a condition is true, otherwise, run another block of statements
3. Run a block of statements when a compound condition is true
4. Run a block of statements when a compound condition is true, otherwise, run another block of statements
5. Decide among several alternates (elif)
6. Run a block of statements when more than one condition is true (nested if)

7. Python Control Flow – Looping

1. while loop
2. for loop

8. Python Control Flow – Branching

1. break
2. continue
3. return

9. String Handling in Python

1. Create/Declare Strings
2. String Comparison in Python
3. Converts string into lower case and upper case
4. Finding String length
5. Concatenating Strings
6. Print a String multiple times
7. Check whether the String has all numeric characters?
8. Check whether the String has all alphabetic characters?

Python Data Structures or Collections

10. Python Lists

1. Create a List
2 Accessing Values in a List
3. Operations on Python Lists (Built-in List Functions & Methods)

11. Python Tuples

1. Create a Tuple
2. Access Tuple Items
3. Update Tuple Values
4. Loop Through a Tuple
5. Check if Item Exists
6. Find Tuple Length
7. Add Items
8. Remove Items
9. Join Two Tuples

12. Python Sets

1. Create a Set
2. Access Set Items
3. Update Set Items
4. Add Items
5. Get the Length of a Set
6. Remove Item
7. Join Two Sets

13. Python Dictionaries

1. Create a Dictionary
2. Accessing Dictionary Items
3. Change Dictionary Values
4. Print a Dictionary
5. Find Dictionary Length
6. Adding Items to a Dictionary
7. Removing Items
8. Copy a Dictionary
9. Nested Dictionaries
10. The dict() Constructor

14. Python Functions

1. What is a function in Python?
2. Types of Functions
3. Creating a Function
4. Calling a Function
5. Parameters or Arguments
6. The return statement

15. Python Built-in Functions

1. Math Functions In Python
2. Python String Functions
3. Python List Functions
4. Python IO Functions
5. Python Regex Functions

16. Python IO (Input & Output)

1. Read User Input
2. Write/Print Program Output
2. File handling
i. Create a Text File
ii. Delete a Text File
iii. Read a Text File
iv. Write data to a Text File

17. Python Language Modules

1. What is Python Module?
2. Purpose of Modules
3. Buil-in Modules
4. User-defined Modules in Python

18. Python Exception Handling

1. Exceptions versus Syntax Errors
2. Common Exceptions in Python
3. Raising Exceptions
4. The try and except Block
5. The else Clause
6. Defining Clean-up Actions

19. Python Object-Oriented Programming

1. Classes and Objects
2. Inheritance
3. Polymorphism
4. Abstraction
5. Encapsulation

20. Python Methods

1. Built-in Methods
2. User Defined methods

Python Programming Tutorial

Python Language Syllabus
Python Tutorial
Python Video Tutorial
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