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Python Identifiers

Python Identifiers

Python Programming Language Fundamentas

Python Identifiers, A Python identifier is a name used to identify a variable, function, class, method, module, or other objects.

Python Identifiers

Python programs can be written using keywords (reserved words), identifiers, functions, data, and special characters.

Identifiers are names given to entities like classes, functions, variables, modules, objects, etc. These help to differentiate one entity from another.

The identifier should start with a character or Underscore then use a digit. The characters are A-Z or a-z, an UnderScore ( _ ), and digit (0-9). we should not use special characters ( #, @, $, %, * ) in identifiers.

Variable: A variable is a named memory location to store temporary data within a program, variables store in computer primary memory (RAM).

Example for Python Variables:

num =10
myCountry = “India”
_val = True
CITY = “Hyderabad”
abc789 = 1000

print (num, myCountry, _val, CITY, abc789)

Function: A function is a block of organized, reusable code that is used to perform a single, related action.

Example for A Python Function:

def add (num1, num2):
return (num1+num2)

result = add(100, 670)
print (x)

Example for A Python Class:

class Calculator():

abc =123

def sub (self, num1, num2):
return (num1-num2)

def mul (self, num1, num2):
return (num1*num2)

def div (self, num1, num2):
return (num1/num2)

myobject = Calculator()
res = myobject.sub(1000, 789)

Naming conventions for Python identifiers:

Python Programming Language Tutorials

1. Introduction to Python Programming Language

2. Download and Install Python

Python Environment Setup (Using PyCharm IDE)

3. Python Language Syntax

4. Python Keywords and Identifiers

5. Comments in Python

6. Python Variables

7. Python Data Types

8. Python Operators

9. Python Conditional Statements

10. Python Loops

11. Python Branching Statements

12. Python Numbers

13. String Handling in Python

14. Python Data Structures – Lists

15. Python Data Structures – Sets

16. Python Data Structures – Tuples

17. Python Data Structures – Dictionaries

18. Python User Defined Functions

19. Python Built-in Functions

20. Python Modules

21. Python User Input

22. File Handling in Python

23. Python Date and Time

24. Python Exception Handling

25. Python Regular Expressions

26. Python Object-Oriented Programming

27. Inheritance in Python

28. Polymorphism in Python

29. Abstraction and Encapsulation in Python

Python Videos
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