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Python Programming Language Syllabus

Python Programming Language Syllabus

Python Course Syllabus

Python Programming Language Syllabus, Programming Environment, Keywords, Identifiers, Syntax, Code libraries, Control Flow, and Object-Oriented programming.

Selenium Online Training with Project (by G C Reddy)

Python Programming Language Syllabus for Software Developers, Software Testers, Data Scientists, AI & ML Professionals, Network Programmers,  Ciber Security professionals, etc, 

Python Programming Syllabus

Python Programming Language was created by Guido Van Rossum and publicly released in 1991, It is further developed by the PSF (Python Software Foundation), and Python official website is (

Python is a general-purpose programming language, it is used to develop Web, IoT, Data Science, AI & ML, Games, Ciber Security, Scientific, Numeric, Network Programming, etc, applications.

Below concepts are the core concepts of Python and these can be used for all types of Python programming.

1. Python Installation/Environment Setup

Python Development/Programming environment is required to write & run/execute Python programs, Download your operating system compatible Python Software from and Install the software. You can get Python IDLE or Shell after Installation of Python Software, using Python IDLE you can write & run Python Programs.

Note: Install PyCharm IDE or other supported IDE to use Python for commercial use. But Python IDLE is enough for learning Python.

2. Python Basic Syntax

You focus on modes of Python programming, Keywords, identifiers, functions, methods, modules, and code indentation.

3. Python Variables

Create or Declare variables in Python Programming, Assigning Values to variables, Global & Local variables, and Variable naming restrictions.

4. Python Data Types

Focus on Python built-in data types, variable type checking, numeric, text, and boolean types of data. Read the specific types of data.

5. Python Operators

Python Arithmetic, Comparison, Assignment, and Logical Operators.

6. Python Control Flow – Decision making/Conditional statements

We write positive conditions, negative conditions, single conditions, compound conditions, and nested conditions in Python.

Write one-way condition using if block, two-way condition using if & else blocks, multiple alternative blocks using elif blocks, and nested if blocks.

7. Python Control Flow – Loop statements

A loop statement allows us to execute a statement or group of statements multiple times, Python programming language provides two loop structures, while loop, and for loop.

Using for loop, we can iterate any sequence or iterable variable. The sequence can be string, list, dictionary, set, or tuple.

In Python, The while loop statement repeatedly executes a code block while a particular condition is true.

8. Python Control Flow – Branching statements

Branching statements in Python are used to change the normal flow of execution based on some condition.

Python provides three branching statements break, continue and return. In Python pass also a branching statement, but it is a null statement.

9. String handling in Python

A string is a sequence of characters (Alphabetic, Digit, and Special Characters). Strings in python are surrounded by either single quotation marks or double quotation marks.

We can assign a multiline string to a variable by using three quotes (use three double quotes or three single quotes)

10. Python Data Structures

The basic data structures in Python include list, set, tuples, and dictionary. Each of the data structures is unique in its own way. Data structures are “containers” that organize and group data according to type.

11. Python Functions

12. Python Modules

13. Python IO (Input & Output)

14. Python Regular Expressions

15. Python Exception handling

16. Python Object-Oriented Programming

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