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Top Ten Software Testing Tools

Top Ten Software Testing Tools

Popular Software Test Tools

Top Ten Software Testing Tools, Functional Test tools, Performance test tools, API test tools, Mobile Test tools, and Test management tools.

Software testing can be done in two ways,

  1. Manual Testing
  2. Automated Testing

We have several types of automated testing, 

  1. Automated Functional Testing
  2. Automated Performance Testing
  3. Automated API Testing
  4. Automated Mobile Testing
  5. Automated Acceptance Testing
  6. Test Management. Etc,

Top Ten Software Testing Tools

1. Selenium WebDriver

Selenium WebDriver is an Open source test tool and it is used for Functional & Regression Testing of Web Applications.

Selenium WebDriver supports various Operating systems to conduct testing (MS Windows, Linux, and Macintosh).

Selenium WebDriver supports various programming languages to write & execute test cases (Java, Python, C#, Ruby, JavaScript, and Kotlin).

Selenium WebDriver supports various browsers to conduct testing (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft IE/Edge, Opera, and Safari).

Selenium WebDriver supports Batch Testing, Data-Driven Testing, Cross Browser Testing, and Database Testing

2. TesNG

TestNG is a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit but introducing some new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use.

Initially it was developed for Unit Testing of Java software applications, now it is used for all levels of Testing, and TestNG Testing Framework can be used as “Test Runner” in Selenium Test Environment.

3. TestComplete

TestComplete is a functional automated testing tool developed by SmartBear Software, offers support to a wide range of technologies such as .Net, Delphi, C++Builder, Java, Visual Basic, HTML5, Flash, Flex, Silverlight Desktop, The Web and Mobile systems.

TestComplete helps testers develop their test cases in various scripting languages like JavaScript, Python, VBScript, Delphi Script, JavaScript.

4. Cucumber

Cucumber is a Behavior Driven Development tool used to develop test cases for the behavior of software’s functionality. It plays a supporting role in automated testing.

Cucumber tool plays a vital role in the development of acceptance test cases for automation testing. It is mainly used to write acceptance tests for web applications as per the behavior of their functionalities.

5. Appium

Appium is an open source test automation tool for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It drives iOS, Android, and Windows apps using the WebDriver protocol.

Appium validates the compatibility, usability, and response time of mobile browsers and applications across various mobile devices.

Automation tests in Appium can be run on mobile devices, simulators, and emulators.

6. JMeter

Apache JMeter is an open source, 100% Java based application with a graphical user interface. It is designed to analyse and measure the performance and load functional behavior of web application and variety of services.

JMeter is mainly used for testing Web application but currently, it is applicable for JDBC database connections, Web services, generic TCP connections and OS native processes.

7. SoapUI

SoapUI is the popular open-source testing tool. It is the most widely used automation tool for testing web services and web APIs of SOAP and REST interfaces.

8. Jira

Jira is an Incident Management Tool. It is used for Project Management, Bug Tracking, Issue Tracking, and Workflow.

Jira was written in Java, It was initially released in 2002 by Atlassian that allows bug tracking and agile project management.

9. CrossBrowserTesting

CrossBrowser testing is the most famous licensed tool. It supports various operating systems, a large number of multiple browsers, mobile browsers, and their versions. The additional feature includes the automated screenshot, localhost support, and so on.

10. Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is an automation testing software tool developed by Katalon, Inc. The software is built on top of the open-source automation frameworks Selenium, Appium with a specialized IDE interface for web, API, mobile and desktop application testing.

Software Testing Tutorials (Manual Testing, Selenium, UFT/QTP, JMeter, Java, Python, VBScript, and SQL)

1. Manual Testing Tutorial (Document/Text)

Manual Testing Material PDF Download

Manual Testing Tutorial (Video)

ISTQB Certification Dumps

2. Selenium Tutorial (Document/Text)

Selenium Training Videos and Class Notes PDF

Selenium Tutorial (Video)

3. UFT/QTP Tutorial (Document/Text)

UFT/QTP Tutorial (Video)

4. Apache JMeter Tutorial (Document/Text)

Apache JMeter Tutorial (Video)

5. SQL Tutorial (Document/Text)

SQL Step by Step Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners (Video)

6. Java Tutorial (Document/Text)

Java Tutorial (Video)

7. Python Tutorial (Document/Text)

Python Tutorial (Video)

Python Training Videos

8. VBScript Tutorial (Document/Text)

VBScript Tutorial (Videos)

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