Database Fundamentals

Database Fundamentals

Relational Database Fundamentals, Database Object, What is Database?, Database server, Database Management System, and Types of Databases. SQL or Relational Database Fundamentals for Database Developers, Database Administrators, and Database Testers. Database Fundamentals 1. What is Data? In computing, data is information that has been translated into a form that is efficient for movement or processing. … Read more

SQL Queries for Software Testers

SQL Queries for Software Testers

SQL Queries for Software Testers, Database Fundamentals, Database Engine Installation, SQL Language Elements, Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language, and Data Control Language. SQL Views, SQL Keys, SQL Indexes, and Database Normalization. SQL Queries for Software Testers Create the following Tables: LOCATION Location_ID Regional_Group 122 NEW YORK 123 DALLAS 124 CHICAGO 167 BOSTON   DEPARTMENT … Read more

SQL Operators

SQL Operators

SQL Tutorial, SQL Language Elements, Arithmetic operators, Comparison operators, Logical operators, and usage of operators in SQL statements. SQL Operators An operator is a reserved word or a character used primarily in an SQL statement’s WHERE clause to perform an operation(s), such as arithmetic, comparisons, and Logical operations. Operators are used to specifying conditions in … Read more

Data Manipulation Language

Data Manipulation Language

SQL – Data Manipulation Language Data Manipulation Language (DML) is one of the Subsets of SQL, others are, i. Data Definition Language ii. Data Control Language etc… Database Engine is required to practice/execute SQL Commands, We can use Database Engine from Oracle or MS SQL Server or MySQL etc, I installed MS SQL Server Express … Read more

Data Definition Language

Data Definition Language

Data Definition Language, SQL Fundamentals, Subsets of SQL, Create a Database, Use Database, Drop Database, Create a Table, and Drop a Table. Data Definition Language (DDL) SQL (Structured Query Language) is for Database Developers, Database Administrators, and Database testers. Three main subsets of SQL: i) Data Definition Language ii) Data Manipulation Language iii) Data Control … Read more

SQL Overview

SQL Overview

SQL Overview, SQL Environment Setup, Subsets of SQL, SQL Syntax, Data Types, Operators, Functions, SQL SELECT, SQL Joins, and SQL Statements, SQL Overview SQL Overview, SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard language for accessing databases. All Relational Database Management Systems like MS Access, MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, MySQL, DB2 use SQL as standard … Read more

Introduction to SQL

Introduction to SQL

Introduction to SQL, What is SQL, Purpose of SQL, Who should learn SQL?, Subsets of SQL, SQL Language Elements, and SQL Environment Setup. Introduction to SQL 1. What is SQL? 2. Purpose of SQL 3. Who should learn SQL? 4. What are the subsets of SQL? 5. Data Definition Language 6. Data Manipulation Language 7. … Read more

SQL Tutorial

SQL Tutorial

SQL Tutorial for Beginners, SQL Language Elements, SQL Queries, Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language, and Data Control Language. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard language for storing, manipulating, and retrieving data in databases. SQL was initially developed at IBM in the 1970s, It became a standard of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) … Read more

Database connections

SQL Databases

Database connections, Connection strings for SQL Databases, MS SQL Server database connection strings, Oracle connectivity, and MYSQL database. Database connections for connecting MS SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle, and MySQL databases, SQL Database connection strings The database connection is a facility in computer science that allows client software to communicate with database server software, whether … Read more

A beginner’s guide to SQL

A beginner’s guide to SQL

A beginner’s guide to SQL, Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language, Data Control Language, and write SQL Queries & Subqueries. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard language for storing, manipulating, and retrieving data in databases. SQL was initially developed at IBM in the 1970s, It became a standard of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1986. … Read more