Selenium WebDriver Introduction

Advantages and Drawbacks of Selenium

Introduction to Selenium WebDriver Introduction to Selenium WebDriver,  Components or Tool’s Suite, Features of Selenium WebDriver, Drawbacks of Selenium IDE, Advantages of selenium Grid, and Functional Automated Testing using Selenium Tool. Selenium is not a single tool, a suite of tools, we have four tools in this tool suite. 1. Selenium IDE (It is a … Read more

Selenium The Beginning

Selenium The Beginning i) What is Selenium? ii) Selenium Components / Selenium’s Tool Suite iii) Advantages and Disadvantages of Selenium iv) Selenium Environment Setup —————————— i) What is Selenium? • Selenium is a Suite of Software Tools to automate Web Browsers. (Selenium is not a single tool like UFT, RFT, SilkTest etc…, It is a … Read more