Selenium The Beginning

Selenium The Beginning i) What is Selenium? ii) Selenium Components / Selenium’s Tool Suite iii) Advantages and Disadvantages of Selenium iv) Selenium Environment Setup —————————— i) What is Selenium? • Selenium is a Suite of Software Tools to automate Web Browsers. (Selenium is not a single tool like UFT, RFT, SilkTest etc…, It is a … Read more

Programming Knowledge for Software Testers

Programming Knowledge for Software Testers Programming Knowledge for Software Testers is mandatory for Automated Testers, Programming Knowledge for Software Developers and Programming Knowledge for Database Developers. UFT (Formerly QTP) uses VBScript for writing Automated Test Scripts and Selenium uses either Java or C#.NET or Python or Perl or Ruby or PHP for writing Selenium Test … Read more

Java Programming for Selenium

Java Programming for Selenium Why Java for Selenium? > Selenium written in Java, It does mean that Java only more compatible with Selenium, we can use other supported languages also. > Good support for Selenium with Java, You can get more help documentation and code implementations from internet. > Majority of Selenium Testers (nearly 77%) … Read more